Pediatric Dentistry / Kids Dentistry Treatment

Why is kids’ dentistry Important?

In children teething starts around 6 months of age and eventually all milk teeth are erupted. They start shedding around the age of 6-7 yrs. As this time is very brief, parents tend to ignore their problems and are reluctant to consult a paediatric dentist. However, Milk teeth play a very important role in development of the permanent teeth and help in phonation and mastication to children. If tooth problems in kids are not addressed properly, they may last lifelong and may affect the child functionally and mentally. Nowadays dental cavities/caries have become a common occurrence in children, therefore it’s very necessary to take proper oral care of the child and regular visits to the paediatric dentist.

Why Do We Need a Kid’s Specialist?

Paediatric Dentists are especially skilled dentists for kids and teens. They know how to shape the behaviour of the child, so they accept the dental treatment. Paediatric dentistry is a separate field dedicated to kids, their Oral Health prevention and preparation for the future.

What treatment modalities are offered by the Paediatric Dentist?

Paediatric dentist works towards maintaining good oral health in children, treatment provided by them includes:

  1. Thorough assessment of oral cavity
  2. Fluoride application to prevent cavities in children
  3. Habit breaking and behaviour shaping and counselling of child and parents
  4. Treatment of tooth cavities
  5. Treatment of tooth injuries
  6. Correction of crooked and malaligned teeth

Preventive treatment for Kids:

Fluoride Application:
The most common dental problem seen in children is tooth decay because of lack of proper brushing habits and sweet diet in children. To prevent tooth decay Fluoride application is recommended at regular intervals. Fluoride application helps to fight plaque and bacteria that may lead to decay. Fluoride application also strengthens the tooth and bones. This treatment is effective for both milk and permanent teeth.

Sealants are another preventive measure for tooth decay. Pit and fissures present in back teeth has a tendency to trap food & bacteria and make it susceptible for decay. Dental Sealants are the coating placed on the occlusal surface of molars and premolars, which helps in creating a smooth surface and helps in preventing tooth decay.

Other Treatment for Kids

Root Canal Treatment in Milk teeth:
There is no age limit for RCT. When the tooth decay is so severe that it involves the pulp which is living substance inside the tooth containing blood vessels and nerves, in such cases RCT is recommended. In RCT the infection inside the tooth is cleaned using instruments and medicines and later on some medications are placed to keep the tooth in oral cavity.

Oral Habits in children:
Frequently children acquire certain habits, that may prove to be harmful in the future. Habit is a repetitive occurrence of certain events like thumb sucking. Initially the habits are done consciously but later they occur subconsciously. Some common oral habits seen in children include thumb sucking, mouth breathing, tongue thrusting, lip biting, grinding of teeth and nail-biting. If not treated on time, they may lead to future tooth problems like malalignment. To avoid this certain Habit breaking appliances are given like:

  1. Twin Block
  2. Frankly
  3. Habit Breaking appliances
  4. Space Maintainers
  5. Head Gear

What to expect.

At Dr. Nilanjana’s Dental care we have extremely skilled paediatric Dentists, who follows the best treatment practices under aseptic conditions with latest machinery and medicines possible. First consultancy is done and then a customised treatment plan is made for your child. Contact us to book the appointment.


As they fall off after a certain age, ppl often Ignore their maintenance, but they have an important role in the growth of permanent teeth.

  1. They play an important role in mastication for kids
  2. They help in developing phonation to kids
  3. Milk teeth are the basis of the development of the jaw bones and muscles.
  4. They provide the necessary shape to the mouth & provide room for the permanent teeth to erupt.

Brushing should be started immediately after the eruption of the first tooth. However, the amount of toothpaste should be equivalent to the grain of rice.

Proper oral hygiene maintenance is very important irrespective of age. Mothers can clean the mouth of the baby both upper & lower jaw with a clean wet cloth.

Kids dental treatment usually cost less than adult dental treatment.

A kid can visit a paediatric dentist irrespective of age, till 14 yrs.

Gaps in teeth are a sign of healthy dentition & they resolve after eruption of permanent teeth.