Tooth Whitening Treatment

Tooth Whitening in Pune. Restore your dazziling white smile in just 45 mins. Get your smile camera ready in just 45 mins. Upto 8 shades brighter in 45 mins.

What is tooth whitening?

Tooth whitening also know as tooth bleacing is the process to lightening the colour of your tooth with the use of certain gel formulations.

These gels help to break the molecular chains of the pigments that have stained the tooth surface and hence lighten the colour of the tooth.

Stains on your teeth can be:

  1. Intrinsic :- within the tooth
  2. Extrinsic:- on the Surface of the tooth

Tooth whitening is more effective in removing the extrinsic stains such as those caused by excessive tea and coffee drinking, wine, tobacco from smoking and certain kinds of medication.

Types of tooth whitening.

Tooth whitening is categorized as follows:

  1. In office versus home tooth whitening
  2. Vital versus non vital tooth whitening
  3. In office tooth whitening:- this is done by the dentist at the clinic
  4. At home tooth
  5. whitening: – This can be done by you at home, using special custom made trays
  6. Vital tooth whitening:- Done on vital teeth
  7. Non vital tooth whitening:- Done on teeth which are root canal treated

Agents used in tooth whitening

  1. Hydrogen Peroxide
  2. Carbamide Peroxide
  3. Laser assisted tooth whitening.

Procedure for tooth whitening

  1. After a complete examination of your teeth and oral cavity, your dentist will perform a routine scaling and polishing produre. Incase you have any sesnsitivity issues please report to your dentist.
  2. Your dentist may prescribe you a antihypersensitivity toothpaste to prepare you for the procedure.
  3. Before the bleacing process, your dentist will isolate your gums and remaining oral cavity to protect it from the bleaching agent.
  1. Once this is done the bleaching agent is applied to the surface of your front teeth. This is then activated using a laser light and then the gel begins its action.
  2. The Zoom Tooth whitening cycle lasts for 15 mins and can be repeated to reach the desired level of whitening.
  3. Mild sensitivity may be experienced during this process which is completely normal.


Tooth whitening is a cosmetic dental procedure that uses bleaching agents to lighten the colour of your teeth. It also removes any stains and discoloration, enhancing the overall appearance of your smile.

Yes, when performed by a qualified dentist, tooth whitening is a safe and effective procedure. Dentists use professional-grade products to minimize potential risks.

The duration varies, but in-office treatments often take about 45- 60 minutes. At-home treatments may span several days or weeks, depending on the chosen method.

While rare, some individuals may experience temporary tooth sensitivity or gum irritation. These side effects usually subside shortly after the treatment.

The longevity of results depends on various factors, including lifestyle and oral hygiene. With proper care, results can last for several months to a few years.